Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cousins visit

Gammie and Auntie Christie and your cousins Hailey, Emma, and Lucas came to visit us for your birthday party. To say you had fun wouldn't even begin to describe it. You ran up to the car to say hi right away and then were off to ride scooters and play ball. There was a whole lot of hugging, kissing, wrestling, and playing. Gammie made everyone pancakes and had color your own mug activities. You got to go out with just the big cousins and Gammie for lunch. We took them to our church play place. Everyone helped set up and run the birthday party festivities. You surely missed them the next day.


You started school and so far you are enjoying it. You cried the first day for 20 minutes at drop off, but by the second day went down to 5 minutes. And since then have come home talking about dipping cookies in milk, a funny noise your friend makes, the hungry caterpillar book, a sick bear who ate a rotten apple song. You go Monday to Thursday 9-11:30.


We did Easter at daddy's school and you were old enough to not only get the point of the egg hunt, but run for the eggs knowing there would be candy in them. You picked out a Buzz basket so we could let your brother have the truck one. I made a basket for you at home too full of pouches, flash light, silly string, M&M, and a slinky too. We went to a second egg hunt at Young's, but that was real eggs and tons of kids so not as many eggs for the picking.

Coco key

By our 3rd trip to Coco key you have become a pro. With the addition of goggles and water shoes you will go down any slide there. You cry anytime we have to leave.

Outside fun

We have been busy outside going to parks and bike rides, scooter rides, police car rides. Any kind of ride you can name we do. Plus chalk and bubbles mixed with swings and slides and you can find us outside anyday it's nice.


For your 3rd birthday you requested we go to Young's for cows and ice cream and also Chuck E Cheese for pizza and games so we did just that. Of course there was presents from everyone too. And who could forget the lady bug cake you picked out.

You weigh 37 pounds and are 38.5 inches at your check up.

You can say hundreds of words and even use multiple word phrases most of the time. You aren't potty trained yet. We are all excited for you to start school in a few weeks.


It has been a while since we went to Boonshoft so we went to check it out again. You were older now and could do more things like this climbing net that I was amazed how fearless and good you were at it. Of course the old stand bys were still fun like the animals, shopping area, vet, and recycling truck.