Tuesday, July 8, 2014


We love spending time at playgrounds all summer. You love the swings and slides and any rock wall climbing parts.


You love to go bowling. When you fully potty trained I promises to take you bowling so off we went to make right on that promise.

Father's Day

Father's day we found a new park that had a water sand area that you loved. We carried you out of there screaming when it was time for dinner. We have been back a few times and you never leave the water spot.


For a kid who was afraid to even go inside a bouncy house we now live at them. We have been tons of times since you got over the fear in Boston. 

Boston part 2

Then we went to Grandpa and Nana's house for a week where highlights include bouncy house, animals including a zoo trip, and a lot of Summer playtime. And who could forget coffee making time. You had a blast playing with everyone and slept really well after all of it.

Boston part 1

We flew to Boston and spent a week at Gammie and Pop's house. Highlights for you include a lot of park time with your cousins. The Rainforest cafe running around to see all the animals. And a lot of tractor rides. You are still talking about going on a plane to Gammie house please.